Let Me Explain

Hello and welcome to my blog. I’m not quite sure how you got here, but you’re welcome to read through things at your leisure. I made this Blog because I felt like writing every now and then and had no other place to do it. I had a blog on IGN once upon a time (I may try to transfer some of the things I had written there over to here) but as of 2018, they shut their service down and I can no longer write anything new. I found this place to continue my writing. Sometimes I post weekly; sometimes monthly; and sometimes I can go half a year before the next post. Inspiration strikes at random, so there is no set schedule nor reason for anything here. Heck, I won’t be promoting any of this, so there’s no guarantee anybody is actually reading what I have written here; its all solely to satisfy the urge to write something.

Most of what I write about revolves around things I enjoy: games and movies, so it’s a fair chance that if you read something here, it will relate to a game or be my opinion on something game-related. I’ve done Nuzlocke runs of Pokemon in the past and posted my progress, so there’s always the chance I do that again in order to give myself something to do when I’m not working. They’re all catalogued on IGN right now, but as of June 2018, they’ll disappear forever. As much as I enjoyed doing the Nuzlocke runs and writing about them, I don’t think they’re really worth preserving. What I will transfer, however, is my ‘series’ on Final Fantasy Villains. I had called it the “FF Villains Highlight”. It was a series of articles I had written that analyzed the main antagonists of the mainline Final Fantasy games. I went through their plot motivation, design, ambitions, and whether or not they succeeded as well as whether I considered them a successful villain or a failure (sure, they all fail in the end, but some are better at accomplishing their goals than others). I did it for the main villains from Final Fantasy I through Final Fantasy XII and I was pretty happy with how it turned out, so I really don’t want to lose it.

In addition to the Nuzlocke runs and FF Villain highlights, I also posted random thoughts on things like movies, expectations for upcoming games, and thoughts about things like future Overwatch Characters or what Job Class each would fall into. I also made a couple of hypothetical trophy lists for Final Fantasy games since some of the older ones were remade and re-released on PS4 with trophy support. Most of the time, like many games out there, half the trophies are really just for making it through certain story points of the game (like getting a trophy for ‘Clearing Chapter X’ is fairly common). The only real creativity is for the trophies that require actual skill to achieve, like beating Emerald Weapon in FF VII.

Anyway, with all that being said, that pretty much sums up the purpose and existence of this blog. Whether its read by somebody, I don’t care. If people do come across it and enjoy it, great! If they don’t enjoy it, I’ll chalk it up to a matter of opinion; it’s really just so I can write something and occupy my time. People are free to comment (I think…actually not sure if they can or not yet), but try to be….civil…..about it. Don’t go nuts with the criticism.

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I get bored and like to write on occasion. This gives me a place to do so.

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