FF Villains Highlight: TL;DR Edition

Just a quick recap of all the Final fantasy Villains to wrap up the Villains Highlight series….

-Final Fantasy I-

Garland- Exiled Knight; United 4 elemental fiends to take control of the 4 forces of nature and become Chaos incarnate

-Final Fantasy II-

Mateus- Emperor, Magician, Warrior; Powerful enough to conquer lands around the globe and even took over Hell

-Final Fantasy III-

Cloud of Darkness- Void Incarnate; the physical manifestation of darkness who manipulated the main villain into destroying all crystals in order to manifest itself on the physical plane and flood the world in darkness to reduce everything to ‘nothingness’

-Final Fantasy IV-

Zeromus- Powerful exiled Magician who mind-controlled the faux Main villain to destroy the crystals setting himself free in order to rule over the Earth and Moon (from which he hailed and was imprisoned)

-Final Fantasy V-

ExDeath- Evil incarnate; after a mystic tree absorbs too much evil in an attempt to seal it off, the evil manifests in the form of ExDeath, a master warrior and mage who destroys the main worlds 4 crystals via manipulating kings and others WHILE imprisoned on another world; destroys THAT world’s 4 crystals upon being freed; then takes control of the Void (magical black hole) and sucks in various kingdoms and troublemakers into the Void in an attempt to return ‘everything to nothing’

-Final Fantasy VI-

Kefka- Maniacally insane Magician who poisons an entire kingdom, murders most of the Espers that remain to steal their powers; murders the emperor he worked under; then takes control of the source of all magic on the planet, reshaping the planet’s surface as he destroys everything on a whim and rules from atop a tower for 2 years before the main party can reunite to take him down

-Final Fantasy VII-

Sephiroth- Super Soldier; implanted and raised from birth as a genetic experiment designed to incorporate the powers of Jenova, an ancient space-faring being defeated by the Cetra. Super human strength as a soldier and capable of taking out armies alone; after death he merged with the planet’s core and Jenova itself in order to resume Jenova’s initial goal of traveling planet to planet learning, then destroying everything before moving on and repeating the process (Superman’s Braniac, now that I think about it)

-Final Fantasy VIII-

Ultimecia- Powerful Sorceress; mind-controlled various Sorceresses throughout time for the ultimate goal of merging past, present, and future; becoming eternal. Ridiculously powerful magic-wise as well, obviously

-Final Fantasy IX-

Kuja- Mage; Manipulated a kingdom to slowly amass power in order to wrest control away from his superior, Garland, who simply used him as an ‘Angel of Destruction’. Able to control Eidolons, had an army of dragons at his command, creates monsters from Mist, as well as being aware of how to manufacture Black Mages; and, once he gained the ability to Trance, destroyed an entire planet before returning in an attempt to destroy all existence

-Final Fantasy X-

Yu Yevon- The spirit of a summoner who lives only to keep the memory of Zanarkand alive; though that’s by creating a giant floating death whale named Sin who runs around killing everyone every 10 years before being stopped and can form a new Sin

Seymour- Summoner; Died extremely early on but willed himself to keep his physical body and continued to try and marry Yuna while having the ultimate goal of becoming Sin and controlling the state of death; freeing everyone from the fear of death by killing them and presumably letting them all live on past death as he and several other characters had (Maester Mika, Lady Yunalesca, and Auron being the notable ones)

-Final Fantasy XII-

Vayne Solidor- Politician; Had his father, the king of Arcades assassinated and framed the senate members for it, thus taking control and ruling Arcades, proceeding with his war plans in an attempt to rule over all Ivalice nations as opposed to the will of the Occuria

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I get bored and like to write on occasion. This gives me a place to do so.

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